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International Training Centre for Human Rights and Peace Teaching


Accredited Training Programmes for State-of-the Art Teaching

CIFEDHOP training sessions are based upon a deep knowledge of the demands of the teaching profession and adapted to the reality of the various educational systems throughout the world. Thus, developments in school environment as a whole as well as individual situations in which teachers carry out their duties are taken into account.

International Training Sessions

Since its creation in 1987, CIFEDHOP has held over 30 annual international training sessions in Geneva in the field of human rights education. This event has brought together teachers, educational theorists, researchers, attorneys, NGO representatives as well as governmental and non-governmental experts with a view to sharing and developing teaching methods focused on respecting human rights and individual freedoms. A few of the themes of these international sessions can be viewed under the CIFEDHOP Files link. In regard to the written submissions of conference speakers, their writings were published in the Thématique series.
In addition to the creation of the Human Rights Council in 2006, the system of promoting and protecting human rights was reorganised within the Geneva-based UN bodies. As a result, CIFEDHOP has been organising a series of international training sessions on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in Geneva. The main objective of these gatherings is to provide training on this new mechanism for actors in the fields of education and civil society and to monitor recommendations in each country. The UPR is particularly significant for educational institutions because each State must submit a report in collaboration with certain areas of civil society.
Furthermore, CIFEDHOP periodically holds national and regional training sessions in Africa and North and South America as well as Western and Eastern Europe. The magazine Perspectives régionales publishes and circulates submissions by participants during these sessions while suggesting methods of pedagogical intervention.
CIFEDHOP organises international meetings of experts which aim to analyse the effects of the creation of a Human Rights Council on human rights education and its developments as well as its potential to contribute to the development of the latter, particularly within the framework of the UN project to draw up a Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training.




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