International Training Centre for Human Rights and Peace Teaching
Help with Site Navigation
In order to navigate this site more easily, all pages are laid out with the same structure.
Upper Part
- A search field allows users to carry out searches according to key words for all site content. (1)
- To the right of the search field, links allow users to access the English and Spanish versions. (2)
- A menu bar enables users to access each section directly. (3)
- Dragging the mouse over a section heading allows users to view each sub-section. In order to access them, just click on the corresponding link. (4)
Main Body
The main body of each page is displayed on a yellow background and divided into several parts :
- The breadcrumb feature “You are here”, which is found in the upper part, allows users to situate the page being viewed according to its place in the website’s hierarchical structure. Users may also go directly back to any of the preceding sections. (5)
- One click on the CIFEDHOP logo brings users back to the home page. (6)
- In the left-hand column below the illustration of each page (7), a vertical set of links allow users at any moment to :
- - Subscribe to an RSS feed
- - Return to the “Help with Site Navigation” page
- - Access CIFEDHOP’s contact information
Lower Part
The lower part of each page contains links to the site map as well as to the sections on credits and copyright. (8) |
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