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International Training Centre for Human Rights and Peace Teaching


CIFEDHOP Publications

The Thématique series was created in order to widen the distribution of analyses of experts invited to the annual International Training Sessions organised by the CIFEDHOP. By doing so, the Centre is attempting to contribute to the debate on the problem of human rights education and world peace. Articles therein call on the reader to situate such an education within the framework of a combined legal, pedagogical, sociological and political analysis.

Perspectives régionales
The Perspectives régionales series lends itself as a point of circulation of the ideas of CIFEDHOP collaborators working throughout the continents and sub-continents of the world. Designed as a medium for exchanging ideas and perspectives, this series attempts to function as an instrument of debate and thought on the role of human rights education in formal as well as informal educational systems.

Dossiers du CIFEDHOP
The few Dossiers du CIFEDHOP published from the international training sessions aim to serve as a general guide to understanding the dominant theme of these various sessions.

Documents on the Universal Periodic Review
The goal of these publications is twofold: Introduce the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) through a human rights education perspective (one of the priorities of the Human Rights Council) as well as the contribution brought about by the drafting of the UPR to that of the Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training.

Various publications


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