International training centre for Human Rights and Peace Teaching


The International Training Centre for Human Rights and Peace Education (CIFEDHOP) is a foundation created in 1987 under Swiss law by the World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace (EIP), an international non-governmental organisation with consultative status with ECOSOC, UNESCO, the ILO, the Council of Europe and the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights. CIFEDHOP is a multidisciplinary research and training centre, whose work is directed towards teachers and other professionals, educators and researchers from both formal and non-formal educational sectors.


* To contribute to the development of teachers’ social and judicial competence in international human rights law
* To encourage innovative teaching methods in the field of human rights, peace and citizenship education
* To institute comparative studies of human rights education with regard to educational policies, curriculum and teachers training
* To encourage educational innovation which promotes openness to others
* To elaborate, produce and distribute pedagogical materials to educators


For the past twenty five years, CIFEDHOP has organised training session for teachers from primary, secondary and vocational schools and for specialists in the field of human rights education.




The Network

CIFEDHOP has developed a network of international experts in the areas of educational science, law, and socio-political analysis. Thanks to the information and communication technologies (ICT), long-distance activities are now possible (such as the contribution of expertise for the achievement of new projects on the ground, the elaboration of national human rights education programmes, the implementation of pedagogical activities in schools and in popular venues, and in documentary and technological support.) This type of activity is experiencing rapid growth, due to the increase in the number of teachers who have access to the Internet and use the ICT in their teaching activities.


The Documentation Centre

Over the years, CIDEFHOP has collected legal and educational materials in different languages (French, English, and Spanish) regarding human rights and peace education. Located in the Centre’s headquarters in Geneva, the library is open to the public, which can have access to a database containing approximately 1,500 bibliographical references about human rights and peace education: monographs (books, theses, reports, conference publications), periodicals and journals. Inspired by the Huridocs Standard Formats for the Recording and Exchange of Bibliographic Information concerning Human Rights, the database can be searched by title, author, subject or key words. The documents must remain in the Centre, but visitors are allowed to make photocopies. Internships CIFEDHOP welcomes and supervises the work of interns who study the field of human rights and peace education, carry out documentary research or prepare theses and dissertations.


CIFEDHOP collaborates with international organisations that work on the protection and promotion of human rights, in particular:
- The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights
- UNESCO and the International Bureau of Education
- The Council of Europe
- The Union of African States
but also with Ministries of Education, with national, regional and university human rights institutions, and with non-governmental organisations which work on the promotion of human rights.


CIFEDHOP’s acitivities are financed through contributions and grants from international organisations, the Swiss Confederation, the City of Geneva, the Canton of Geneva and various foundations.

President: Guy-Olivier SEGOND
Director: Monique PRINDEZIS


Bicentenary of the French Revolution

CIFEDHOP received the French Republic’s Human Rights Prize, which was given by the Prime Minister Michel Rocard in 1989.